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You can get precompiled RedHat RPM packages from (see Chapter 11) or its mirrors. You can also buy the CD-ROM (details at the WEB site). RedHat/PPC does not explicitly support Linux/APUS. None of the Linux/APUS developers are affiliated with the RedHat/PPC developers. This help is offered "AS IS" -- without any guarantees of your success.
Text by Ken Tyler
The RedHat Installer simplifies the process of partitioning, formatting installing and configuring the Linux RedHat/PPC distribution.
No previously installed Linux is required, the installation is started from Amiga DOS by booting a kernel with the Linux/APUS ram disk image as the root filesystem.
The RedHat Installer has been used to install from a hard disk partition to other partitions on the same drive. Christophe Decanini reports that CDROM, FTP and NFS work.
Note: See the section called Software With Known Problems for a list of applications that are known to fail.
A kernel.
The latest Linux/APUS RedHat Installer ram disk image (usually named apus-rh-ramdiskimageYYMMDD.gz in the 'install' directory at SunSITE Denmark).
RPMs, base files and README.installer. Available on the Linux RedHat/PPC CD-ROM or from and mirrors.
The base files required are comps.pmac, hdlist, skeleton.cgz and uglist.
A few moments spent reading this docment, especially the Problems at the end of this section.
RPM is the acronym for RedHat Package Manager. This is a standalone program that installs software on to a Linux system. Files intended for use by RPM have the extension .rpm. The RedHat Installer has a library version of the RedHat Package Manager in the install ramdisk.image.
The RedHat Installer can partition and format hard disks, but depending on which install method you use you might need to partition your hard disk first with HDToolBox. On a single drive system, an AFFS Amiga DOS partition is needed to hold the RPMs in addition to the required Linux and swap partitions. On a system with two or more drives, or when using the other install methods the installer can do the partitioning and formatting of the drive(s).
On the AFFS drive or partition a directory RedHat with subdirectories RPMS and base should be created. The base directory should hold the comps.pmac, hdlist, skeleton.cgz and uglist files. The RPMS directory is the place for the collected RPMs.
The suggested RedHat minimum system is about 25MB of RPMs which needs about 70MB of Linux disk space.
Read the README.installer for info on the comps.pmac file format. Basically there are two types of line; separator lines and RPM prefix lines. Separator lines start with a digit or the word 'end' and divide the RPMs into groups, RPM prefix lines are partial RPM names. An indented RPM prefix line implies that the RPM specified by the preceding non-indented line is required. If the comps.pmac file has entries for RPMs that don't exist in the RPMS directory the installer complains about them but will work, but to avoid saying OK to many warnings edit the comps.pmac file to include only the RPMs you have.
The long filenames of some RPMs are chopped at the Amiga 32 character limit but this is not a problem since RPM will scan the packages for their full name.
Copy the apus-rh-ramdiskimageYYMMDD.gz to RAM: and boot specifying:
-r ram:apus-rh-ramdiskimageYYMMDD.gz root=/dev/ram |
in addition to the usual --apus, -k, and -m options as required.
I use (all on one line) :
boothack --apus -v -d -m memfile -k ram:vmlinux -r ram:apus-rh-ramdiskimageYYMMDD.gz root=/dev/ram |
If all goes well a window asking if you have a color monitor will appear.
(Respond to the windows with CR to enter, SPACE to toggle on/off and TAB to move between buttons, cursor arrows to move up and down lists.)
Now comes a succession of windows guiding you through the installation. Reply to these to suit your system. Choose install at the install/upgrade window. Eventually you should get to the window asking what packages to install. Select what you require or the "everything" option at end of the list.
After the Package install finishes there may be much disk activity as the RPM database is created.
A few more windows, networking timezone and root password.
Finally an "OK to reboot" screen should appear but wait till the disk activity stops before rebooting.
During the the install, CTRL-Z brings a shell up, entering exit returns you to the installer. ALT-F1 to ALT-F4 select installer, a shell, installer log and kernel log virtual consoles. To get F11 to F20 use SHFT-F1 etc.
To create a list of the suggested required RPMs for a minimum system, take the RPM prefixes in the '1 *beforeskel*' and the '1 Base' sections of the comps.pmac file and expand them into the full RPM name as contained in the RPMS directory.
Flashing console problem. The current CD (as at 27-Oct-98) writes an /etc/inittab that attempts to start X at the default run level of 3 rather than run level 5. As kernels from 2.1.120 to the 981026 release have problems with X on some hardware, the result is alternating flashes of login screens and blank X screens. To avoid this, either get a 981031 or newer kernel, or fix the installation: when the installation finishes don't respond to the "Congratulations" window but hit ALT-F2 and edit /mnt/etc/inittab. All that needs to be done to /mnt/etc/inittab is to swap the comment '#' char on the last two lines of the file. To run any of the newly installed editors you need to specify a full path, the installed system is on /mnt. Now hit ALT-F1 and confim the "Congratulations" window. Thanks to Kolbjørn Barmen for suggesting this approach. If you have already installed the the X components and are seeing the flashing console, you need to login and edit /etc/inittab and make the above change. Can be difficult to login through the flashing but it can be done. Look at the top left of the screen to see the password characters that don't get to the password prompt (retype these).
The first version of the installer was incorrectly named apus-rh-ramdisk.image130698.gz, should have been called apus-rh-ramdisk.image980613.gz.
NOTE: apus-rh-ramdisk.image981003 requires the comps file to be named comps.pmac, for earlier versions of the installer, rename comps.pmac to comps.
If you have a 4.2 CD February 98 use apus-rh-ramdisk.image130698.gz, if you have the 5.0 CD or try the other install methods use apus-rh-ramdisk.image981003. The 130698 installer has problems with the 'noarch' files in the 5.0 distribution.
Three of the RPMs on the 4.2 CD have errors when installing. dailyscript-3.1-2.ppc.rpm writes a message over the progress screen, latex2html-96.1.revh-4.ppc.rpm and xmahjongg-2.0-1A.ppc.rpm fail with install script failed.
I have yet to do a full install from the 5.0 CD. Installing the suggested base was free of errors.
Some users have a reported a 'missing kernel error' when attempting to install from downloaded RPMs. The installer tries to put a kernel into the /boot directory. There is no reason to do this as the kernels available on are not Linux/APUS kernels. To avoid this edit the comps.pmac file and remove the two (4.2) or three (5.0) lines kernel-prep, kernel-pmac, kernel-pmac-modules.
Comments, feedback about success or failure most welcome, I read the Linux/APUS list daily.
RedHat has released a CD set named Linux Rough Cuts, containing (unsupported) RedHat ports for (among other CPUs) PowerPC and MC68k. The PowerPC installation is intended for MkLinux, but it's possible to use it for Linux/APUS.
Basically you should follow Ken's instructions above. There are a few differences, primarily because the RedHat/Rough Cuts CD does not contain all the required install files. But follow the below instructions, and you should come out of it OK anyway.
Get the file rh-roughcuts-981108.tgz from the 'install' directory at SunSITE Denmark. It contains what you need to get started.
The layout of the RedHat/Rough Cuts CD is wrong (for the Linux/APUS installer), and is missing files (probably because it's intended to be used from MacOS). You have to create a correct layout. You can do this in at least two ways; 1) install via FTP and create the correct layout on another Linux box using soft links (I did this) 2) install from harddisk, having copied the CD contents to a harddisk and added the extra bits.
Below the tree structure of the directory I created on Concubine for installation on Cyber (-> is a soft link to the file or directory on the RedHat/Rough Cuts CD). During installation I set the FTP directory to the path containing RedHat you see as the top node below.
`-- RedHat |-- RPMS -> /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS |-- TRANS.TBL -> /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/TRANS.TBL |-- base | |-- RedHat -> /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/ | |-- TRANS.TBL -> /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/base/TRANS.TBL | |-- comps.pmac | |-- hdlist -> /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/base/hdlist | |-- skeleton.cgz | `-- uglist |-- ppc -> /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/ppc `-- rpmcontents.gz -> /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/rpmcontents.gz |
The structure is found in the rh-roughcuts-981108.tgz archive; you might want to use it as a base. If you create it yourself, there are three files in there that you need to include:
comps.pmac The comps file from the base directory of the disk. The two RPM packages MAKEDEV and dev have been moved down as the last to be installed due to some problem I couldn't track down.
skeleton.cgz The skelton file from the RedHat/PPC installation containing a few extra files.
uglist The skelton file from the RedHat/PPC installation.
When you have this set up, installing is done exactly as with the RedHat/PPC CD.
NOTE: The text printed out before the login prompt is from the Linux/PPC skeleton, so it is somewhat misleading...
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